Matthew makes regular appearances on a variety of media outlets across the globe for language and linguistics-related topics. You can find a selection of previous interviews, reports and clips here.
If you would like to book or commission him or have any queries, please drop him a line at or use the Contact tab in the navigation menu above.
Matthew has appeared in several international online media outlets promoting language learning and campaigning for multilingualism.
Matthew makes regular television appearances as a language expert on international television outlets, a selection of which you can find here.
Matthew has been interviewed on radio about his linguistic abilities and has appeared as a guest on various international radio stations.
Matthew has written for and been interviewed by a variety of international publications, a selection of which can be found here.
As a professional speaker on language-related issues, Matthew was invited to give a TEDx talk about language learning in London.
Matthew has been involved in the creation of online video clips with e-learning platforms for language learning.